Anmeldung zum Webinar
„Potential Compass Basics”
Allgemeine Nutzungsbedingungen für die Nutzung der Webseite
§ 1 Präambel
Die Potential Compass GbR, Am Pfeilshof 65, 22359 Hamburg (im Folgenden „PC”) betreibt unter dem Namen „” eine Webseite (im Folgenden die „Webseite”) und unter „” eine gleichnamige App, über die Benutzer (im Folgenden jeder von ihnen der „Kunde”) unter anderem Leistungen oder sonstige Angebote (im Folgenden die „Serviceleistungen”) buchen (jede Buchung einer Serviceleistung im Folgenden die „Buchung”) sowie weitere Informationen zum Thema Coaching abrufen sowie Informationen über sich angeben können. Die nachfolgenden Vertragsbedingungen stellen den Rahmen für die Vertragsbeziehung zwischen PC und Ihnen als Kunde in Bezug auf die Webseite dar und werden Gegenstand der hierfür bzw. hierunter geschlossenen Verträge.
§ 2 Kostenlose Zurverfügungstellung
PC stellt dem Kunden die Webseite kostenlos zur Verfügung.
§ 3 Leistungsspektrum der Webseite
Über die Webseite hat der Kunde die Möglichkeit, Interessensschwerpunkte auszuwählen, um spezifische Informationen hierzu in der Webseite oder per E-Mail zu erhalten.
Außerdem hat der Kunde die Möglichkeit, über die Webseite kostenpflichtige Serviceleistungen seiner Wahl zu buchen und direkt über die Webseite zu bezahlen.
§ 4 Ablauf der Buchung
PC stellt dem Kunden in der Webseite Informationen über die Serviceleistungen zur Verfügung.
Hat sich der Kunde für eine Serviceleistung entschieden, kann er eine entsprechende Buchung auswählen.
Die Serviceleistung wird gemäß den in der Webseite ausgewiesenen Konditionen in Bezug auf Zeit, Ort, Umfang und Dauer durchgeführt.
Ein entsprechender Vertrag zur Durchführung der Serviceleistung kommt nur zwischen dem Kunden und PC zustande.
§ 5 Vergütung
Die Preise für die jeweilige Serviceleistung sind auf der Webseite angegeben. Alle Preise sowie die zu dem aktuellen Zeitpunkt geltende gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer werden auf der Webseite separat ausgewiesen.
Es gelten die Preise zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung.Die Bezahlung der jeweiligen Serviceleistung erfolgt durch Zahlung an PC, unmittelbar nach der Buchung.
Es werden folgende Zahlungsarten akzeptiert:
- Kreditkarte: Der Betrag wird im Rahmen des Bestellprozesses durch den Kunden per Kreditkarte bezahlt. Akzeptiert werden Kreditkarten der Anbieter MasterCard und Visa. Der Zeitpunkt der Belastung der Zahlung an den Kunden ist von der gewählten Kreditkarte abhängig. Für die Zahlungsart Kreditkarte wird kein Zuschlag berechnet. Alles weitere regelt Abs. (4).
- PayPal: Der Betrag wird im Rahmen des Bestellprozesses durch den Kunden per PayPal bezahlt. Der Zeitpunkt der Belastung der Zahlung an den Kunden ist von der Zahlungsart des Kunden innerhalb PayPals abhängig. Für die Zahlungsart PayPal wird kein Zuschlag berechnet.
- Rechnung: Für bestimme Services bietet PC die Bezahlung über Rechnung an. Die Rechnung ist sofort nach Erhalt fällig. PC behält sich vor, das Angebot der Zahlung über Rechnung einer separaten Liquiditätsprüfung des Kunden vorzubehalten. Dieser Prüfung kann der Kunde, wenn erforderlich, separat zustimmen.
- Stripe Inc. Dublin.
§ 6 Streitbeilegung
Die EU-Kommission hat eine Plattform für außergerichtliche Streitschlichtung (sog. „OS-Plattform") geschaffen. Diese gibt Verbrauchern die Möglichkeit, Streitigkeiten, die aus Online-Kaufverträgen erwachsen, zunächst ohne die Einschaltung eines Gerichts zu klären. Die Plattform ist unter diesem Link zu erreichen
Die seitens PC hierfür vorgesehene Kontaktadresse lautet: PC wird nicht an einem Online-Streitbeilegungsverfahren teilnehmen.An einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle nehmen wir nicht teil.
§ 7 Schlussbestimmungen
Sollte eine Bestimmung dieser Nutzungsbedingungen oder eine später in sie aufgenommene Bestimmung ganz oder teilweise nichtig sein oder werden oder sollte sich eine Lücke in diesem Vertrag herausstellen, wird dadurch die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht berührt. Den Beteiligten ist die Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofs bekannt, wonach eine salvatorische Erhaltensklausel lediglich die Beweislast umkehrt. Es ist jedoch der ausdrückliche Wille der Beteiligten, die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Vertragsbestimmungen unter allen Umständen aufrechtzuerhalten und damit § 139 BGB insgesamt abzubedingen. Anstelle der nichtigen Bestimmung oder zur Ausfüllung der Lücke ist diejenige wirksame und durchführbare Regelung zu vereinbaren, die rechtlich und wirtschaftlich dem am nächsten kommt, was die Beteiligten gewollt haben oder nach dem Sinn und Zweck dieses Vertrags gewollt hätten, wenn sie diesen Punkt beim Abschluss des Vertrags bedacht hätten. Beruht die Nichtigkeit einer Bestimmung auf einem darin festgelegten Maß der Leistung oder der Zeit (Frist oder Termin), so ist die Bestimmung mit einem dem ursprünglichen Maß am nächsten kommenden rechtlich zulässigen Maß zu vereinbaren.
Für alle Streitigkeiten aus dem Vertragsverhältnis zwischen PC und dem Kunden ist deutsches Recht anwendbar. Gerichtsstand für sämtliche Vertragsstreitigkeiten ist der Sitz von PC, sofern die Vertragsparteien Kaufleute, juristische Personen des öffentlichen Rechts oder öffentlich-rechtliche Sondervermögen sind.
General Terms and Conditions of Potential Compass GbR
For events and certifications of Potential Compass GbR, Am Pfeilshof 65, 22359 Hamburg, the following conditions of participation apply.
1. Registration/Booking
- We will book your registration in the order of receipt and send you a confirmation of receipt. A binding confirmation of registration will be sent separately.
- As soon as it is certain that enough participants have registered and that the event will take place, you will receive a binding confirmation of registration together with an invoice for the event fees.
- The event fees are due for payment after receipt of the invoice, in accordance with the payment deadline. If no (full) payment has been made by the start of the event, we reserve the right to exclude the booker from participation in the event. In such a case, the booking party is obligated to pay a lump-sum contractual penalty in the amount of the full event fee.
- The prices stated in the respective current schedule plus the applicable statutory value-added tax shall apply. The prices include training documents, if applicable, but not food and beverages (with the exception of catering during breaks) and not the participants’ accommodation costs.
2. Cancellation policy
- Right of revocation
You may revoke your contractual declaration in writing (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) within two weeks without stating reasons. The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form, but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (in the case of recurring deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not before fulfillment of our obligations to provide information pursuant to Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB and our obligations pursuant to § 312g paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB §. To meet the revocation deadline, it is sufficient to send the revocation or the goods in time. The revocation is to be sent to: Potential Compass GbR
Am Pfeilshof 65
22359 Hamburg
E-mail: - Consequences of revocation
In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties shall be returned and any benefits derived (e.g. interest) shall be surrendered. Delivery of goods: If you are unable to return or surrender the received performance as well as benefits (e.g. benefits of use) to us or only in part or in a deteriorated condition, you must compensate us for the value to this extent. You only have to pay compensation for the deterioration of the item and for any benefits derived if the benefits or the deterioration is due to handling of the item that goes beyond the testing of the properties and functionality. By "testing the properties and functionality" we mean testing and trying out the respective goods, such as is possible and customary in a retail store. Goods that can be shipped by parcel are to be returned at our risk. You have to bear the regular costs of the return shipment if the delivered goods correspond to the ordered goods and if the price of the goods to be returned does not exceed an amount of 40 euros or if, in case of a higher price of the goods, you have not yet provided the consideration or a contractually agreed partial payment at the time of the revocation. Otherwise, the return shipment is free of charge for you. Items that cannot be sent by parcel post will be collected from you. Obligations to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you with the dispatch of your revocation or the item, for us with its receipt. Services: This may mean that you must nevertheless fulfill the contractual payment obligations for the period until the revocation. Obligations to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you with the dispatch of your revocation, for us with its receipt. End of the cancellation policy.
The right of withdrawal does not apply to distance contracts for the delivery of goods that are manufactured according to customer specifications or clearly tailored to personal needs or that are not suitable for return due to their nature or for the delivery of audio or video recordings or software, provided that the delivered data carriers have been unsealed by the consumer.
3. Services
- The seminar shall be conducted by the organizer in accordance with the invitation to tender with the aid of means of remote communication ("online"). For this purpose, he shall provide the participant with access to the communication system appropriate for the respective seminar. The organizer is free to choose the respective communication system, provided that it complies with the legal requirements.
- The participant is responsible for the technical requirements for access to the means of remote communication, in particular with regard to the functionality of the hardware used by him as well as the means of communication used by him, especially with regard to an appropriate connection speed. The organizer does not provide the participant with hardware or access to a means of communication.
- The organizer shall provide the services contained in the invitation to tender. Unless otherwise specified in the invitation to tender, the seminar price does not include travel to and from the seminar, accommodation, conference packages and meals. We reserve the right to make minor changes to the services (in particular changes to the event room within the event location, changes to the event times within an event day, changes to the content within the program, adaptation of practical elements to the circumstances of the participants, weather-related changes to outdoor events and a change of speaker).
- We reserve unrestricted ownership of all deliveries of teaching materials until the customer has fulfilled all payment obligations in full. The passing on to third parties, i.e. to persons who are neither work colleagues nor employees of the customer, or public distribution or making available of course documents or teaching materials is not permitted. In particular, the publication of audio or video data, digital presentations or scripts in publicly accessible Internet portals (sharing) is prohibited.
- The delivery of the ordered compasse takes place directly with the order. The compasse will be made available for use in the system immediately and stored in the user account of the customer.
4. Payment modalities
The customer can pay the purchase price by invoice or PayPal (Sofortüberweisung, on account).
In the case of payment by PayPal, the time of payment corresponds to the time of the order. If the payment service provider "PayPal" is used, the payment will be processed by PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, subject to the PayPal Terms of Use, available at This requires, among other things, that the customer opens a PayPal account or already has such an account.
In the case of a purchase on account, the purchase price is due after the goods have been delivered and invoiced. In this case, the purchase price is payable immediately upon receipt of the invoice without deduction, unless otherwise agreed. Potential Compass GbR reserves the right to offer the payment method purchase on account only up to a certain order volume and to reject this payment method if the specified order volume is exceeded. In this case Potential Compass GbR will inform the customer about a corresponding payment restriction in his payment information in the online store. Furthermore, Potential Compass GbR reserves the right to carry out a credit check when selecting the payment method purchase on account and to reject this payment method in case of a negative credit check (see § 10). If the customer is in default of payment, Potential Compass GbR is entitled to demand interest on arrears in the amount of 2.5% per annum. If Potential Compass GbR can prove that it has incurred higher damages due to default, it shall be entitled to assert such damages.
The client hereby agrees that Potential Compass GbR is entitled to send the invoice as an electronic invoice (invoice issued and received in an electronic format, e.g. as a PDF document) to the client by e-mail. Potential Compass GbR may, at its own discretion, also send the invoice to the client on paper.
5. Reservations of right to make changes
We are entitled to make necessary changes to the content, methods and organization or to deviations (e.g. due to changes in the law) before or during the event, provided that these do not significantly change the benefits of the announced event for the participant. We are entitled to replace the scheduled speakers in case of need (e.g. illness, accident) with other persons equally qualified with regard to the announced topic. The documents provided as part of the training are prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief. Liability and warranty for the correctness, topicality, completeness and quality of the contents are excluded.
6. Cancellation/Rebooking/Non-attendance
a)Cancellations and rebookings must be made in writing. The cancelling/rebooking party bears the burden of proof for their receipt by us. It is to be sent to the following address: Potential Compass GbR
Am Pfeilshof 65
22359 Hamburg
E-mail: b) Cancellation is free of charge if received by us 30 days prior to the start of the event. If the cancellation is made up to 11 days before the start of the event, the canceling party must pay 50% of the event fees. If the cancellation is made within a shorter period of 11 days, the full event fee must be paid. c) A rebooking is possible free of charge if it is received by us 30 days before the start of the event. In the case of a rebooking to another date, we charge a processing fee of EUR 50.00 up to 11 days before the start of the event. In the case of a later rebooking, we charge 10% of the event price, but at least EUR 50.00. The person making the booking is free to name a substitute person in order to avert a cancellation or rebooking. If prior licensing with the Potential Compass Personality Model (or other licensing of Potential Compass GbR) is required for the event, the substitute person must fulfill this requirement. d) If a rebooking is made, cancellation or further rebooking for the following event is excluded. e) If the booking person or his substitute person does not show up for the event, Potential Compass GbR reserves the right to insist on the full event fee.
7. Cancellation by the organizer
For each event a minimum number of participants is determined by the organizer, which results from the announcement. Cancellation of the event due to a shortfall of this minimum number of participants will be made at the latest two weeks before the start of the event. The participant will then be refunded the seminar price. This also applies in the event of force majeure or illness of the speaker. Except in the case of intent and gross negligence, the organizer is not liable for futile expenses or similar disadvantages resulting from a cancellation.
8. General regulations
There are no additional agreements to this contract. Amendments or supplements must be made in writing to be legally effective. The same applies to the waiver of the written form requirement.
Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid, the remainder of the contract shall remain valid. The contracting parties shall replace the invalid provision by another provision which is reasonable for both parties.
9. Assignment of claims, transfer of rights
Neither party shall assign any rights under the contract without the consent of the other parties.
10. Obligation of secrecy
Potential Compass GbR commits itself to treat all participant data and information obtained in the context of the seminar confidentially. The obligation to maintain secrecy also extends beyond the term of this contract. It exists as long as the subject of confidentiality does not become known to others.
11. Liability
The organizer shall be liable for any damage incurred only to the extent that such damage is based on a breach of an essential contractual obligation or on intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of the organizer, its legal representatives or vicarious agents. If an essential contractual obligation is breached due to slight negligence, liability shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract. An essential contractual obligation is given in the case of obligations, the fulfillment of which makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place or on the observance of which the customer has relied and was entitled to rely. Any further liability for damages is excluded. Liability for culpable injury to life, body or health in accordance with the statutory provisions shall remain unaffected. This also applies to the mandatory liability under the Product Liability Act.
12. Copyright protection
Potential Compass GbR reserves all copyrights and rights of use of seminar documents, work results and the event itself. Accordingly, the client is in particular not permitted to copy or otherwise reproduce, distribute or otherwise commercially use the seminar documents or to have sound and image recordings made of the seminar and/or to use them without a separate agreement subject to payment.
13. Place of jurisdiction/applicable law
If the booking party is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes, including actions arising from checks and bills of exchange, shall be Hamburg. This shall also apply if, at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the Booking Party relocates its place of residence and business abroad or if its usual place of residence is unknown at the time the action is brought.
The contractual relationship is subject exclusively to German law.
14. Data protection
Personal data is collected and processed in each case to fulfill the obligations contractually agreed with the customer, taking into account the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). Potential Compass GbR, Am Pfeilshof 65, 22359 Hamburg, Germany, is responsible for the proper handling of personal data. Potential Compass GbR may only pass on personal data to contractors who are used to fulfill the contract and may only use this data in accordance with the instructions of Potential Compass GbR. Data that is no longer required to fulfill the original purpose and is not subject to a legal retention period will be deleted. The customer has the right at any time to free information, correction, blocking and deletion (as far as no legal regulations oppose) of his stored data. The request for information must be made in writing.
15. Commission
Within the framework of the agreement concluded between the parties concerning the granting of a license for the use of Potential Compasses, a commission model is also provided for. The licensee can recruit further partners for Potential Compass GbR. For each contact that demonstrably leads to a referral of new coaches who successfully acquire a Basic Lead License, the licensee receives a one-time recognition. This takes place in the form of free Compasses. For each successfully referred new coach, the licensee receives two Professional Compasses. This will be made available to him online in his service portal and thus activated for his use.
16. Severability clause
If one of the preceding clauses is wholly or partially invalid, the validity of the remaining clauses or parts of clauses shall not be affected.